
White dreams

This series explores texture, matter and the mind…the ethereal self, confronted with a white canvas, or a blank page. What happens to the brain when it looks at a white canvas? How does the reaction differ from artist to non-artist? What happens to the mind when challenged with blankness? What chemical processes occur, what psychological functions are at work, what emotional response is in action? Each individual’s perception is unique. Yet there is common ground: potential. Potential for beauty, potential for disaster, potential for mediocrity.

This ‘colourless’ series is a concoction of plasticised and varnished organic and non-organic matter, seeds and spices, bits and pieces; a recipe on canvas; a witch’s brew of savoury, medicinal plants. With its monochrome texture, it expands a room by adding light, all the while decorating it. This series is proving to be a solution to welcoming big art into a small home or office.

These larger scale paintings add an illusion of space and light that breakdown the impression of confinement, of walls. They breakdown my confinement. They give me a sense of liberty and breath. They are like sorbet to a flavour laden palette. They refresh my colour rich vision and bring my mind back to white. Back to the beginning. White canvas, blank page. Yet below the surface, a story…